School is a stepping stone towards insanity.

School is a stepping stone towards insanity.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


"We cannot learn without pain"

I took the liberty to look up pain quotes and Aristotle's quote really hit the spot. No, I am not dwelling on something stupid like 'life's a pain" and whatnot, I am merely making a tribute to my little green (at least i think it was green :p) friends whom had made an immense sacrifice towards the establishment of science. [I learned how a heart transplant works ;)]

Though flawed and are not an image of beauty (yes, they were pretty ugly frogs), their big bulging eyes and jumpy manner captured my heart. (Even though we tore out theirs :p) They were brave as they struggled to escape the strong hands of Suo Leng and even though short-lived, their lives did not end in vein.

So let us all pray for the brave green warriors so that they stand mighty at the gates of heaven.

On a happier note, enjoy the twilight puns! LOL.
(Click to enlarge the pic so you can read it.)
The last one is not a joke nor pun. I just enjoyed the graphics.

" Everyday is great, its up to you to make it shawsome ;)"

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